YumeTwins Unboxing – July 2016

YumeTwins is a kawaii (meaning “cute”) monthly box from Tokyo. It focuses on plushies, accessories, and other knick-knacks.

I saw an ad on Instagram, and it really caught my eye. So after looking through their website, I ended up ordering myself a box! C’mon! How could I resist anything cute and Japanese?? This is their 2nd box, and it’s Sanrio themed.

But I actually almost forgot I ordered this, hahaha, so it was a great surprise for me after I got home from work. They say that they “target all boxes to arrive between 20th-28th of each month,” but I got it yesterday, July 8th, yay!

Here we go, let’s check out what’s inside.

I love the design of this box; it makes me happy. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I literally SCREAMED. No joke. Too many cute stuff at once.
Left to right top: My Melody Memo Pad, Harajuku Kawaii Bracelet, Harajuku Princess Tiara, Hello Kitty Plush, Shinada Poodle Plush
Bottom: Hello Kitty Randoseru Charm, Hello Kitty Socks, Hello Kitty Pouch, YumeTwins July 2016 booklet
I also screamed when I opened the box cause I thought it was a black sheep which made me so happy, but it turns out it’s a poodle. That’s okay, I still think it’s super cute.
lol, these are some really cheap looking accessories. It reminds me of my childhood, though. When I was a kid my mom would take me to the flea market in the Philippines, and she’d buy me some cheap toys/accessories while we were there. I think these are good for Harajuku fashion because a lot of them pile a bunch of accessories together.
Sanrio stuffs!!!
I like this pouch. I might use it as a makeup bag in my purse.
These socks crack me up. The ears and arms of Hello Kitty are sticking out lmao. I was so glad to see this because I am obsessed with socks.
I don’t know who the artist is, but the art style for this cover is really distinct and adorable! If you know, let me know lol.
Inside the booklet they have a catalog of all the items you could’ve gotten. I was actually surprised because most monthly boxes send out the same things, but this one has different designs of each thing you get.
This is my entry for their July photo contest!! Yay for old cosplay wig, finally come in use once again. hope i win ( ⌇ຶ  Д ⌇ຶ ) #harajukuprincess


It was a total of $20.39 for my first box because they had a 40% off promo, but normal price would end up around $30. That may be kind of pricey for something you don’t know what’s going to be in it, but if you’re obsessed with cute little trinkets like me, it may not be so bad. I’m definitely happy with what I got. I’m actually really excited and might order another box. I’ve tried Loot Crate and ipsy last year for a few months, but I was never as excited as I was with this. I thought I would never subscribe to a monthly box again, but this has rekindled my hope. Or…… I just like to hoard anything a five year old Asian girl would want, ha.

Are you subscribed to any boxes? If so, which ones? or which ones would you like to subscribe to?


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